Baby Emma & Family

MN newborn photographer


Babies & Families.  I do love to photograph them.  I enjoy taking a very relaxed approach and making everyone feel comfortable.  Love it when families open up their homes to me.  Everyone always seems so relaxed and comfortable. babies babies babies babies babies babies babies Baby Emma babies babies babies

Thank you Beth & Ryan for welcoming me into your home to photograph your beautiful Family.

XOXO- Krissy


Why I photograph the way I do….


There are many reasons why I am a moment driven photographer.  One of the most important to me is that I like to document real relationships, real life and put it into a photograph.  Maybe not everyone is perfectly posed or maybe not everyone is dressed perfectly, maybe everyone isn’t even matching.  I don’t care.  I’m there to pass memories down from one generation to the other.

This article speaks right to my heart.  It sums up everything I am trying to accomplish when I am photographing an event, a child, a family.  Slow down, let them get messy, and cherish the moment.  Cherish life.  Cherish this relationship- whatever and wherever it may be.

You may remember a post I did on Gary and his family.  Below is a quote straight from Tonia.  The moment above is not staged in any way, nor was I paying attention to what Tonia & her Father were talking about.  I’m so very blessed that I was able to create these memories for this family.

“This very true moment I will never forget. It’s the mere seconds after I first told my dad that Mike would take care of me and our kids, and the moment I told dad that Tricia would take care of Jeremy and their kids…. Krissy just so happened to catch this on film….. His moment of peace. Of clarity. Of “it’s ok to let go”…. Krissy’s placement of both Jeremy and my wedding pictures behind us, shows how blessed he was to have such amazing people love his kids.”



Sometimes, you get that message.  The one that says, we would like you to photograph our family just being a family.  Sooner then later.  This happened to be one of those messages.  I was contacted by past  bride of 7 years this  Spring.  As tears filled my eyes while reading her message, my heart ached.  A  few weeks had passed before we could finally get everyone together.  I can remember driving to their house, and thinking that I need to hold myself together and hold back all my emotions.  I had to capture images of this beautiful family, just being themselves.  These were going to be their memories to hold onto. Forever.

The time we spent together touched my soul.  As I look at the images, I can remember exactly what they were doing and saying to each other.  It is like I am still there, with this family.

lifestyle family photography


This shot makes me smile every single time I look at it.  I told sweet Callie to give Papa a kiss, and she ran over to her mother.  Gary’s look sums it all up.




Not even 10 days after this wonderful day, Gary bravely lost his battle to cancer.  No words can describe the sadness and heartache I felt when I got the news.

Gary, I know you are looking down on your loves, and still protecting them.  Thank you for allowing me to photograph your time together.

XOXO- Krissy